Face and skin care: 1 tbsp gram flour, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder (kasturi manjal), one tbsp milk and mix them well to form as a paste. Apply on face leave 15 min then wash your face thoroughly, you will get glow on the face. For a bright glowing face, Take one tbsp gram flour, add one tbsp curd, mix them well to form as a paste. then Apply on the face, massage for one minute leave dry. After 10 min wash thoroughly. For get shiny skin. Take aloe vera, remove the flesh in it. Apply that on your face, leave 5 min. Wash your face and pat dry. To get flawless skin, apply on the face for 7 days. Apply potato extract juice it helps remove darkness on the skin instantly. Eat sapodilla fruits, it gives beautiful skin and also gives naturally cheek blushes. Drink Pomegranate juice daily it gives the skin look younger. Drink milk at night before sleep it will improve skin colour. Apply raw milk on the face, leave 2 or 3 minutes it gives soft skin. Eat leafy vegetables every day it will h...
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